Good evening, we are an IT company from Ukraine!

After February 24, one of the most important projects for me was the absolute victory in the war against the russian aggressor.

The whole world is still surprised how Ukraine opposes a country that is many times larger, more aggressive and has much more resources. I am sure that the phenomenon lies in the fact that every Ukrainian has taken responsibility for the victory, everyone helps as much as he can and does everything to bring victory closer.

Now all of Ukraine is suffering from power failures and lack of communication. At Fluvius, panic has long been replaced by rage and coherence in emergency situations:

▪️ this week we purchased Starlink terminals and generators for the smooth operation of our specialists in Ukraine.

▪️ colleagues are urged not to ignore air raid alerts and go down to shelter

▪️ team leads contact the teams, find out the needs and we help as much as possible

▪️ stay in touch to help with special requests, support each other

On February 24 at 5 am, I generated and kept this list in my head:

▪️ ensure my safety, safety of loved ones and the team

▪️ stabilize business

▪️ develop Fluvius despite the darkest hour

▪️ help our country and army

▪️ celebrate Ukraine’s victory in the war

Last item coming soon🙏🏻🍾