New sales are not the key way to growth 💡

Founders’ favorite cognitive bias: believing that the most important thing is to sell. And the only way to grow is to look for new customers.

❗️The key way to grow an IT business is to work with current customers.

Your business will always grow through customer growth. A change in focus dramatically changes your options. You can chase chips in the lead, look for new channels, fuss, activate, or you can realize that you already have the gold. And these are your customers. After that, approach the issue of communication with customers on a completely different level and grow with them.

How to choose clients with whom the business will grow 👇🏼

🚀 Potential
What niche does the client work in? What position among competitors? What are his goals? How do you see further growth?
Are you satisfied with the answers to these questions in the long run?

🚀 Lifetime Value
When a potential client appears, you must clearly understand how long you want to work with him and how much profit the client can bring during this time.
For the sake of ordering for 3 months, it is probably not worth wasting time. Now this is little money and lost big orders in the future.
Of course, you need to work with each client at 200%, because you can not see the potential of a three-month agreement. But the priority is those clients whose potential you clearly understand.

I’m not just talking about Zoom calls, but pretty much offline as well.
Communication, shared workshops, meetings at conferences, collaborations in creating marketing content and promos can lead to amazing things.
Therefore, it is extremely important when working together to meet each other halfway, get to know each other and communicate offline.

Dear Fluvius customers, who wants to have dinner this week?